ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one of the pillars ASEAN besides of ASEAN Political Security and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Formation of ASEAN Economic Community is in 2015 with the aims of way to promote political, economic and align with cultural cooperation across the region. This pillar has been outlined in the ASEAN Vision of 2020. ASEAN Economic Community involves all the 10 ASEAN members. The AEC represents the region's ultimate goal of economic integration. ASEAN is envisioned as a single market and product base, a highly competitive region with equitable economic development, and fully integrated into the global economy.

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was also aimed to strengthening integration through free movement of services, investment, capital and also the skilled workers. The AEC covers a wide range of areas, including mutual recognition of standards, intellectual property rights, competition policies, infrastructure development, and narrowing the development gap between ASEAN regions. In order to narrowing the development gap between the regions, there are so many obstacles that occur such as lack of facilities such as in transportation system and also utilities system. Through higher education and vocational training, it can enhance the knowledge, increase the job search opportunities and also can improve the standard of their livings. Therefore, integration in higher education and vocational training can narrow the gaps between the regions suitable with the ASEAN Economic Community’s formation. 



This article discusses the opportunities and challenges of Vietnam's participation in the AEC in terms of higher education and vocational training, as well as potential solutions for increasing competition and improving integration. As we know, Vietnam is a developing country with a lower-middle-income economy. From trade to security to education and training, Vietnam's integration into the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is expected to bring many opportunities as well as many challenges for the country in 2015. In the long run, education integration will help to close the cultural and educational gaps between member countries.

The challenges that face by Vietnam before the integration is their qualification of the labour force and educational environment. Currently, Vietnam has two types of human resources which are unskilled/general and high-quality, with unskilled human resources outnumbering high-quality workers. In addition, Vietnam has a shortage of qualified labour, skilled technical workers, and the quality of human resources in Vietnam is also lower than in many other countries (World Bank, 2013). Despite that, Vietnamese workers have always had the best professional skills and attitudes, but they lag behind many other countries when it comes to communication, English proficiency, and soft skills (World Bank, 2012). Training centres need to address this immediately. They turn out employees who are highly qualified on paper, but who lack the practical skills to get the job done.

 Other challenges that highlighted in this article before integration is policies and preparation for competition and global integration. "International integration of higher education and vocational training by 2020" is another project underway in Vietnam. Through this project, we can see that, the policies and preparations put in place by the Government, Ministry of Education and Training are perfectly suited to the current situation. In contrast to this, the government only sets policies but does not provide specific instructions to the addition, “Dissemination of the ASEAN Economic Community and the Free Trade Agreement to which Vietnam is a party" is a workshop to disseminate the people about AEC. However, this workshop is not generating a wave of public awareness, particularly for businesses and students. There is a study that indicate many businesses believed AEC had no or little impact on their business and many of business still do not understand about AEC. As a result, the government must demonstrate its role in concrete actions, not just policies.

Furthermore, this article also highlighted about the opportunities of Vietnam’s participation in AEC which is higher education and vocational training opportunities in the future, as well as how best to manage them. Because of the AEC, labour market changes will be directly impacted in each country as well as across the region. As a result, the movement of workers in the region is essential to the process of promoting cooperation and trade between countries. Besides that, highly specialized personnel can freely switch jobs between this country and any other member of this group. In addition, more high-quality human resources will be available in Vietnam as administrative barriers are reduced to almost zero. However, in stark contrast, the best Vietnamese employees may also leave the company to work in other countries with higher wages and better working conditions. Then, in developing countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, labour is plentiful and young, but the rate of worker overtraining or skilled workers is low (ILO, 2014). In contrast, in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, the workforce ages. Having higher education and vocational training enable the growth of the country’s labour market in the coming years. But the country must develop strategies to manage and retain employees in order to avoid the "brain drain" phenomenon.


Based on this article, we can see a few solutions taken by several ASEAN members for the establishment of AEC in the future. Firstly, they give more focus on education especially for higher-level education and vocational training. Just like in Singapore, 20% budget spend every year only for education, where there a lot of students that make a loan with the government and after they finish their study they will work for the government. By that it helps to develop their country like Singapore being the develop country among the ASEAN member. Next solution is, potential and development solutions such as, potential of education market, promote the establishment of a national vocational qualification framework, standardize system structure, actively integrate and improve the efficiency of international cooperation in education training, active learning and others. These solution use by Vietnam in achieves AEC. For example, the solution that use by Vietnam is human resources should be more active in learning and training. It means Students must be more proactive in their learning, particularly in specialized disciplines, by studying and practicing English (communication and qualification) on a regular basis, training a strong and positive attitude toward learning, self-improvement in working style and labor techniques, and exchanging necessary communication skills, presentation, teamwork, and other software. Foreign students must also learn to adopt a selected lifestyle and conduct.



1.0  Single Market and Production Base.

ASEAN Economic Community aims to create single market and production base which is consists of five elements. The five elements are free flow of goods, free flow of services, free flow of investments, free flow of capital and free flow of skilled labor. The first elements which is free flow of goods followed by implementation of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) as well as ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreements (ATIGA). Generally, AFTA is policy that has made to reduce tariff which means that ASEAN members of countries can import and export goods with low cost. This policy can bring benefits to ASEAN members of countries to develop economic growth by import more goods. However, this can lead to disadvantages which is difficulties complying with rules of origin. This policy makes many countries take this incentive because tariff whether very low or zero. Due to high-level product fragmentation in the region, administrative costs of proving origin as well as the high import content make many members are unable to comply.

The second elements are free flow of services. In other word, liberalization has slow practiced in AEC which means that the existing commitments are insufficient. Liberation where in particularly in banking and financial services has led to flexibilities introduced under the ‘ASEAN-X’ formula that allows member states to liberalize according to each country’s readiness (Jayant Menon, 2015) . However, these flexibilities has limited in fulfilling services liberalization commitments such as restrictions on land ownership, and domestic impediments to professional or labor mobility for example work permits and examinations.

2.0 Highly Competitive Economic Region.

AEC has aim to improve countries business environment so, there is two components of AEC second pillar which is competition policy and intellectual property rights (IPR). IPR can improve business even small business and firm such as farmer in order to innovative in improving quality of goods and services. However, it is also has become challenges to AEC when the competition policy and IPR are difficult areas to reform. Although ASEAN members of countries has one objective in implementing AEC but, due to different levels of development among members of ASEAN countries makes the uniformity is hard as they often clashing national interests, cooperation, and coordination. It is taking more time to be uniformity to has common interest especially in implementation.


3.0 A Region of Equitable Economic Development

Basically, it focusses on the integration of Cambodia, the Lao PDR, and Myanmar that have been accelerate. As younger members begin to catch up to the economic conditions of the original, higher-income ASEAN states, the research suggests that the process of convergence has begun. It entails bolstering ASEAN's small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through flagship projects under the ASEAN SME Development Strategic Action Plan. The ASEAN Business Incubator Network consists of thirty business incubators and innovation centres that have been established (ABINet). Then, the ASEAN Business Incubator Network (ABINet) had promoted the business matching and development. The awareness of the financial facilities and market opportunities available for ASEAN SMEs had improve through the ASEAN SME Guidebook towards the AEC 2015. Furthermore, the development of a quantitative tool to track progress in implementing AFEED's principles and identify appropriate policy solutions has started the implementation of AFEED. (Menon, 2015 )

4.0 Integration into the Global Economy

It is referring towards the most significant progress that has resulted in a thriving "Factory ASEAN." All through the 1980s and 1990s, ASEAN members embarked on a combination of multilateral and one-sided measures to diminish boundaries to exchange in products, administrations, and speculations. These measures have made ASEAN one of the foremost globally integrated districts within the world. Agreeing to the MGI Connectedness List which measures countries’ integration into the worldwide economy based on their inflows and surges of products, services, finance, individuals, and information and communication, the five ASEAN nations rank among the world’s 50 most connected countries. The five ASEAN nations are Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. ASEAN’s long-standing commitment to openness is one of its characterizing highlights and must be burnished to support and progress regionalism in Southeast Asia. (Menon, 2015 )



When ASEAN Economic Community is executed, those ASEAN members need to be proactively incorporate in order to gain international experience in vocational education to maintain their principles of independence, autonomy, fairness, and mutual benefit cooperation with the member states. Furthermore, they should encourage multilateralism which is diversification of forms of collaboration with foreign investors in term of education and training at home and abroad, and also take this chance to fully engage with resources to increase the scale and quality of human resources. They should clearly understand the existing circumstances and rapidly adopt the changes to promote national education development with suitable and effective regulations. ASEAN Economic Community give benefit towards the ASEAN country in order to enhance the quality of education and also human resource in order to produce high quality of product and service as it lead to encourage other foreign investor to invest in ASEAN country.



Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (n.d.). Overview. Retrieved from

Jayant Menon, A. C. (2015). ADB Economics Working Paper Series. Realizing An ASEAN Economic Community: Progress and Remaining Challenges, 1-27.

Kenan Foundation Asia. (2018, May 5). What is the AEC? Why does it matter? And where is it going? Retrieved from

Menon, J. (2015 , may). realizing an asean economic community. Retrieved from

Tien Minh, D. (2015). Competition and Integration of Academic Education and Vocational Training in ASEAN Economic Community. 1, 130-145.



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