Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)


WEEK 9: Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)


The Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality is known as ZOPFAN. The main purpose is to promote cooperation and integration amongst the states of Southeast Asia. It ensured that Southeast Asia was not involved in disputes between major powers during the Cold War. It was established in 1967. This concept and policy have been announced through the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the 27th of November 1971. The declaration had been signed by ASEAN’s five founding states. It ensures that the Southeast Asia area does not have foreign military bases. All The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries have accepted this concept and Malaysia has made this concept the main framework for foreign policy. Then, the importance of ZOPFAN is to make Southeast Asia a peaceful, independent, and neutral from the political strife of the great powers, especially the United States, Russia, and the People's Republic of China. The key strategies that have been formulated and implemented to achieve the objectives these are obtain the agreement, recognition, and assurance of the superpowers on the objectives or an attempt to make. Next, it withdraws foreign troops from the Southeast Asian region in the long run. Then, it makes the Southeast Asian region a nuclear weapon -free region. (Mustaqim, 2015) After the declaration of ZOPFAN for many years, so whether a ZOPFAN in Southeast Asia has ever been successfully realized, and what is the likelihood of one being achieved in the future have been study and recognized from time to time.



ZOPFAN developed from a mutual desire among Southeast Asian states for regional autonomy in the context of a prolonged era of external interference in the form of Western and Japanese colonisation, including US-Soviet Great Power security competition. In 1971, establishment of ZOPFAN are gathering among the ASEAN member. Malaysia had planned neutralisation policy in 1971 that comprise two components which are seeking explicit guarantees from the United States, the Soviet Union, and China that they would not involve the region in their security competition and regional states pursuing policies of non-interference in each other's internal affairs and avoiding inviting external interference into Southeast Asia. The TAC, ASEAN's initial peace treaty, incorporated a number of key concepts that conducted state behaviour. This includes ZOPFAN aims which are the right of every State free from external interference. During the Cold War, ASEAN governments highlighted alliances with external Great Powers such as the United States and China as a method of securing state and regional security. Furthermore, ASEAN has continued to adopt ZOPFAN in the post-Cold War period, even going so far as to incorporate and reinforce its key ideas when it might have been removed totally from the Association's lexicon. When the state are threatened by external powers, governments have three options for national security which are security through an international alliance, security through regional order and collaboration, and security through non-alignment and neutrality.  One of the key challenges with ZOPFAN was that, as a framework for state interactions, it did not propose any responsibilities on either ASEAN member states or foreign powers, and hence lacked operational significance. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), created in 1994 as ASEAN's post-Cold War vehicle for multilateral security cooperation. The ARF, which now has 27 members, including the United Nations, China, and all ASEAN member states, aims to promote constructive communication and consultation on political and security matters of shared interest and concern. Recognizing the challenges of maintaining regional autonomy, ASEAN switched from a position of regional autonomy to one of impartiality in the post-Cold War period.



‘Pivot’ to Asia strategy that has been proposed by Obama administration is with the purpose to be a good illustration of ASEANs’ benefits of involvement with US and at the same time avoiding provoking China. Secretary of State at that time articulated in a speech in Hanoi, 2010 and was properly drawn by President in the Australian Parliament. From the data, it shows positive gradual increase regarding the engagement between US and ASEAN reported from 2009 and onwards. United States established its first resident representative to ASEAN in 2010, and the US also engaged with ASEAN members such as, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia through TTP. It was the first ASEAN Summit in California held in US and the summit was attended by all ASEAN leaders with the purpose to enhanced positive relations with US and balancing good relations with China and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was founded by ASEAN members states to counter the TTP. In order to solve the territorial dispute between China and Southeast China Sea and along with to enhance the commitment of regional security in ASEAN, they use Pivot strategy. The dispute involves Paracel Island and Spratly Island. These disputes are between China and also involve ASEAN states such which are Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines and both of Vietnam and Philippines are the head of these disputes. China-Vietnam relations took a hit in 2007, when China allegedly coerced a number of energy companies to abandon offshore gas development activities initiated by Vietnam (Wikileaks, 2007). In line with Article 287 of United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS), The Philippines' Aquino administration initiated formal dispute proceedings against China at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in 2013 to solve up the maritime dispute with China. ASEAN limitation as one of the conflict resolution actors had forced Vietnam and Philippines take initiatives which is seeking the external powers because want to secure and maintain sovereignty and regional security. The action taken by Philippines and Vietnam are downgrading and threatening to ZOPFAN that really against ZOPFAN itself. On the other hand, trade competition between US and China can damaged ASEAN by jeopardizing regional supply chains, while also contributing to the deterioration of US-China relations. ASEAN that also engaged with five major trading partners for example Japan, South Korea, Australia, India and China which is to counteract with US protectionism. The internal relation was initially stop due to the US allies and China and also conflict between India and China. Apart from that, they also concern regarding China will use RCEP to influence Southeast Asia. On the top of that, ASEAN exercise of seeking guaranties from external countries to secure their regional and also practice backstop action. This can create harm to other ASEAN members. The Great Powers have too easily divided ASEAN, and the region has become increasingly polarized. As a result, ASEAN's ability to respond effectively to entrenched Great Power security competition while pursuing a ZOPFAN is questioned. ZOPFAN principle was clearly seems weak and some of ASEAN members are not followed the core concepts.



First and foremost, there is the zone, which includes the territory of the nations and continents, as well as their populations, governments, and sovereignties. Individual countries are still able to maintain their sovereignty and autonomy in each of the zones. Having each member country's distinct advantages in governance, sovereignty, and people as well as in the country's political, economic, and social characteristics is critical. For the preservation of each member state's unique characteristics, a policy of non-interference must be established, which will allow each nation to create its own way of life without external influence and will abstain from participating in the issues of those member states. This is due to the fact that any controlling authority must guarantee that its people are unified and living in peace in order to assure the preservation of economic, social, political, and economic interests. When an issue emerges in a particular nation, that country has the authority to resolve it in its own unique manner. Due to the lack of intervention from another member state, Malaysia, which has adopted the Parliamentary Democracy system despite being a nation with many distinct races and cultures, has been able to retain unity inside its own borders despite its diverse ethnic and cultural makeup. In spite of this, Malaysia continues to maintain diplomatic contacts with other member nations in order to settle issues amicably without resorting to violence or threats of violence, as well as to effectively collaborate among member states for the purpose of political and economic stability.

Secondly, there is security, which refers to the condition of ordered interactions and the presence of concord among member nations. Political upheaval and battles erupted amongst Southeast Asian countries, prompting the establishment of ZOPFAN. As a result, there will be no more meddling by large-authority states, and the rights of member countries will no longer be jeopardized. When there is a confrontation in politics, economy, and other areas between these Member States and foreign forces, peaceful circumstances will not be possible to maintain. Keeping issues that may bring member states and major powers interested in the area within the region is the best way to assure that there is no ideological, political, economic, military, or social confrontation between the state zone and outside power. To achieve independence as well as social and economic well-being, it is necessary to have a sense of security and stability. For example, the ZOPFAN proclamation has resulted in the elimination of nuclear weapons in Southeast Asian countries. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is regarded as a nuclear-free zone, with the characteristics of not possessing, deploying or using nuclear weapons in Southeast Asia. Because of its size, the government cannot utilize ASEAN as a nuclear weapon testing facility. Because no nuclear activity is taking place in Southeast Asia at this time, there will be no conflict, and the peace of member states may be ensured.

The third element is freedom, which refers to the freedom of member states from external control, political countries, other nations, and powers will not be able to control, rule, or meddle in the conduct of internal or external affairs of the United Nations Organization (UN Organization). This is due to the fact that they must settle the internal and external issues of their own nation using techniques, ideas, concepts, and objectives that are unique to themselves. If there is a disagreement with a member state, it is vital to try to resolve it amicably and without resorting to violent means. In this case, it can be shown that disagreements over border problems, issues involving separatist groups, and a variety of other difficulties may be addressed amicably without the need for disproportionate force. No nation or greater force has been able or enabled to find a reason to intervene in the affairs of Southeast Asia as a result of this endeavour and resultant success. For example, one of the ZOPFAN initiatives was the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1994, which was established to promote political stability and peace in the Asia Pacific region. It is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). One of the fundamental objectives of the ASEAN Regional Forum was to battle for a political solution in Cambodia that required the withdrawal of Vietnamese soldiers from the nation and the ability of Cambodians to choose their own future (ARF). ASEAN member nations have been able to resist the spread of communist ideology and Domino's theory via the use of ZOPFAN, which is a gradual and cautious approach to foreign policy. ASEAN was eventually successful in halting Vietnam and then recognizing ZOPFAN itself, despite several internal and external challenges and roadblocks along the journey.

Last but not least, neutrality is intended to ensure that they are not biased in favour of anyone nation while also avoiding disputes between the major countries on ideological, political, economic, and military fronts. In order to prevent Southeast Asian countries from becoming involved in any conflict, a number of measures have been implemented, including not favoring or engaging with any of the larger powers and not allowing these larger powers to interfere in political and military affairs in Southeast Asia, such as the United States, Russia, China, and Taiwan. Conforming to this philosophy, every nation in the Southeast Asian area should be permitted to define its own destiny, free of interference from outside forces. ZOPFAN has obtained recognition and support from nations in the European Union, the Movement of Independent States (NAM), the Commonwealth Conference, and a number of other countries, including Japan, Pakistan, Romania, and the Democratic Republic of Korea, as a result of this idea. For example, Malaysia maintains good relations with all countries through a policy of neutrality because the country practices free markets. For example, the country retains good relations with Britain and America as they're the country's primary buyers of tin and rubber ore, and the nation is a big shareholder in the fields of agricultural and industrial.



As conclusion, ZOPFAN (Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality) in 1971 which has declared by ASEAN is very important as it is a statement of principle of neutrality and implications of security. This treaty has signed by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. It is because multilateral security of ASEAN is limited. This treaty will ensure security of these countries involved more secured. This declaration is a strategic way to face serious regional conflict and international interferences of region involved. However, the effectiveness of ZOPFAN was doubt especially during pandemic Covid-19 where it gives big impact to all countries in terms of economically, tourism, business etc. The pandemic can be a threat to this treaty where each country is willing to do anything just to recover loss and develop economic growth. The tensions between USA and China seems there is no hope to be solve. This can be a threat to establishment of this treaty. On top of that, there is a Members of Parliament Pulai has asked about this treaty which is ZOPFAN are still implemented in our country as Malaysia who creates it. Then, Members of Parliament Indera Mahkota has replied that question with sufficient answer where fundamentals and concepts of ZOPFAN are still implement.




Nurul, Amaleena. (2013, July 17). ZOPFAN (Zone of Peace, Freedom & Neutrality). Retrieved from

Southgate, L. (2021). ASEAN: still the zone of peace, freedom and neutrality? Political Science, DOI, 1-18. Retrieved from

OhMyParlimen. (2021, September, 15). “Lama kita tidak dengar konsep ZOPFAN (Kawasan Aman, Bebas & Berkecuali di Asia Tenggara)”. Retrieved from

NBT World. (2018, August, 6). ASEAN's Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality. Streaming service


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