After 25 years of the establishment of ASEAN, the formation of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) was formed in Singapore through ASEAN Summit 1992. Formation of AFTA as a reaction to other emerging regional groupings, which is North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and the development of the European Union (EU). The goal of AFTA is to create a single market and an international manufacturing base, as well as to attract foreign direct investment and promote intra-ASEAN trade and investment. ASEAN Free Trade Area is one of the drastic decisions made by ASEAN countries to develop theirs economic because at that time there is no movement of shifting positively in term of their economic development. Through the Agreement on the Common Preferential Tariff (CEPT), the aims of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) which is eliminate the tariff barriers can be achieved. The ASEAN members that involve in AFTA only impose maximum 5% tax and tariffs for products and goods that has been imported by the members countries. This is to encourage intra region trade and also stimulate the regional economic development. In order to achieve the economic development in the ASEAN, all 10 ASEAN members will open their market to receive and sent their goods and products by opening their borders and territories. The ASEAN members can increase their economic by expanding their markets in the other ASEAN countries. For example, Malaysia can increase their economic by sending their products and goods to the other ASEAN members such as Indonesia and Singapore. The implementation of ASEAN Free Trade Area brings benefits as well as disadvantages for involving countries. The benefits that can be highlighted are can increase the economic and also can attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to invest in the ASEAN countries. The disadvantages can be seen when this activity can be as a threat to the infant industries.



The ASEAN’s initiatives for free trade in East Asia under AEC is the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Basically, AEC focusing on creating the production based towards the free flow in term of goods, services, capital, investments, and skilled labor of ASEAN. (The ASEAN Economic Community: Investment Opportunities and Challenges in the World’s Newest Market, 2016) AFTA was launched in 1993 to eliminate the tariff which is for the ASEAN-6 first in 2010. After that, followed by Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam in 2015. Then, the remaining ASEAN countries eliminated in 2018.

The ASEAN leaders had agreed to build the momentum and increase the progress of AFTA in 2013. They also figure out to broaden the regional cooperation between them. They also declare the AEC as one of the three pillars of the ASEAN Community in Bali Concord II. (Secretariat, 2021) The completion of AFTA elimination in 2018 let ASEAN focusing on facilitate and simplify the tariff reduction, exemption, and trade procedures. One of the initiatives is the AFTA-CEPT Agreement. The main idea of this agreement is to create the free trade among the ASEAN in term of elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers.

One of AFTA advantages can bring benefits from economic scale. Moreover, when AFTA has implement, the tariff was reduced where the production of product can increase by using low cost. Furthermore, other advantages of AFTA is attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), by reduce tariff will attract more investor. Hence, it can increase job opportunities to unemployment. On top of that, ASEAN member’s country will increase their economy as well as Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Based on the article, ASEAN country has agreed to form a concept of a unified and effective ASEAN preferential tariff at 22nd ASEAN Economic Minister’s Meeting that held in 1990. This tariff includes industrial products, including cement, fertilizer, and pulp. Then, the idea of AFTA was formally proposed by Prime Minister at 24th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Thailand. Hence, Framework Agreement on Enhancing ASEAN Economic Cooperation was recorded which is the implementation of AFTA was specified within 15 years. After 3 years of AFTA implementation, another list of items subject which is agricultural products were added to tariff reductions. In September 1999, which is after 7 years of implementation of AFTA, the rate of tariff was updated from 5 – 0%. This shows that, the main objectives of AFTA implementation which is reduction of tariff was nearly to achieve. In fact, the rate of tariff is nearly to eliminate tariff. Moreover, the result of AFTA is shows positive progress even though ASEAN has only implemented it for 7 years.



Here we can see the positive and negative impact of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) to the ASEAN members. Firstly, the positive impact of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is attracted more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). One of the most commonly discussed characteristics of globalisation in recent decades has been the rapid expansion of trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. FDI also played an instrumental role in the economic growth of developing countries. Inflow of FDI into this region will bring capitals that are needed by countries in this region in order to develop their economics. Based on the article by Seiya Sukegawa, title “ASEAN’s initiatives for free trade in East Asia under AEC” AFTA also shown the result in attracting investment, automobile industry for example. AFTA made a substantial investment in Thailand and Indonesia. The major cause is to establish major production from other countries in this region. However, this was based on the use of AFTA to reduce or eliminate intra-regional tariffs. Additionally, the money invested by investors can be used to spur economic growth and inject cash into the economy.

Next impact of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is being as a competitive edge of this region. By establishing AFTA, it will serve as a speciality or uniqueness of this region. This region will be identified as a world’s manufacturing hub when AFTA is fully worked in 2009. Through tariff reductions and relaxed trade requirements, AFTA gives importers and manufacturers in these countries a competitive advantage. Importer costs are reduced, customs clearance times are improved, trade procedures are simplified, and a wider range of products eligible for preferential treatment is available. As a result, the removal of intra-regional tariffs as well as non-tariff trade barriers has aided ASEAN's manufacturing sectors in becoming more efficient and competitive in the global market. As a result, consumers will be able to buy goods from more efficient ASEAN producers.

However, ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) also has a negative impact which is the imbalances and huge gap of economic development. This imbalance and the gap are between the ASEAN members itself. Where ASEAN can be divided into two major groups which are ASEAN 6 and ASEAN 4. The members in ASEAN 6 is the country that more develop like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Brunei. Where these countries, more advanced and far further from economic and industrial perspective other than ASEAN 4 which are, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. By produces this AFTA, the ASEAN 6 can enjoy more advantages from that because of the capital strength, political peace and stability and educated. As we can see on 3th June 2021, the ranking of vaccination from the 6 country that have a big population in ASEAN which are Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Filipina, Myanmar and Vietnam. The top three country that have a highest ranking the highest percentage of the population receiving COVID-9 vaccine where Malaysia is the top country among the 6 ASEAN countries. But at the last ranking is Vietnam (Staff Writers, 2021). From that we can see, the different between the country that from ASEAN 6 and ASEAN 4. There showed the gap between them through the capital each country to bought the vaccines.

 Last but not least, AFTA also will give impact to the national security and interest. Where in this AFTA, when it be fully implemented several local industries worried that they failed to compete others when the market has been opened. Where several local industries have a hundred of thousands employee of local people and become a streamline industry for the government. Here we can see this AFTA can give impact to the interest of the country of ASEAN members. Just like the several countries that feeling afraid if this industry is closed down because it will lead to increase of unemployment in that particular country. As we can see now a day there is a lot of unemployment and have an article about this we can read this article by search in google on 21st November 2015,  reported by mStar “ Langkah Menerusi AEC Akan Tingkat KDNK Asean” in this article our former prime minister Dato’ Sri Najib mentioned that our AFTA, has reduced tariffs to zero or almost zero and the citizen be able to get the thing and have more money, but it different to the side of the company and employee that produce the product and resulting in high unemployment rates. (mStar, 2015)



In conclusion, the establishment of AFTA can help accelerate the economic development of the region. The impacts of AFTA can be seen in increasing of intra-regional trade and investment, resource allocation within the regional economies and also higher money income. AFTA also encourages regional economies to improve their economic, conceptualized to attract foreign investment and increase the export of industrial products by multinational corporations. AFTA aims to make ASEAN as a competitive production base for goods and services which can help to increase trade and industry development and cash flow to the economic. Besides, it shows the unique of ASEAN as it brings incomes to the member countries. As a result, it becomes more competitive and attractive for investors globally and show the ability of them in compete effective and efficiently for market and investment activity. As we can see the basic feature creation of the AFTA is the reduction of various barriers to trade in the region. This can be done through the elimination of various intra-boundary tariffs and non-tariff barriers. AFTA have their own specific pros and cons towards the economic members of country. As a result, the establishment of AFTA is important towards ASEAN because the impact of the AFTA itself can affect and influence the future of ASEAN country.


Ministry of International Trade and Industry. (2021). ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Retrieved from

mStar. (2015, November 21). Langkah Menerusi AEC Akan Tingkat KDNK Asean. Retrieved from

Staff Writers. (2021, June 3). Malaysia ungguli negara utama Asean dalam kadar vaksinasi. Retrieved from

Seiya Sukegawa (2021) ASEAN’s initiatives for free trade in East Asia under AEC, Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, 10:1, 42-64, DOI: 10.1080/24761028.2021.1902068


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