Transboundary Haze Pollution is one of ASEAN’s agreement. This agreement was produced in June 2002, held in Siem Reap, Cambodia. All ASEAN member states have ratified the agreement, which went into effect in 2003. The agreement includes provisions for monitoring, assessment and prevention, technical cooperation and scientific research, mechanism of coordination, lines of communication and simplified customs and immigration procedures for disaster relief.  The term of Transboundary Haze Pollution occurred because of the burning of plants, lands of jungle, crops by the farmer, estate owners and logging companies mostly in Indonesia has polluted this region atmosphere. In addition, neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand have negatively impact by Indonesia’s action. There are the contributing factors to this problem such as Slash and burn. In Indonesia, slash and burn is a common practice among farmers and land developers. For the past 25 years, this practice has occurred almost every year, resulting in a regional problem that became serious between 2001 and 2005. Proponents prefer this practice because it revitalizes the soil.

Figure 1: Practice of Slash and burn in Indonesia



The effectiveness of Transboundary Haze Pollution is that can control, prevent and mitigate land and forest by creating smokes or air pollution that can give effect towards others ASEAN countries especially neighboring country Malaysia and Singapore. In order to curb the issue which is air pollution in the Southeast Asia Region, in 2002 all the ASEAN members agree to formulate the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. It is a national effort to mitigate and prevent haze pollution. The effectiveness of this agreement can be seen through the establishment of Transboundary Haze Pollution which can help the country to control and monitor air pollution from being spread that can lead the changes of temperature, increased the level of carbon dioxide and also climate change. The expected outcome from this agreement is we want making some changes towards the behavior of individuals in ASEAN members especially Indonesia for not cleaning their land by burning the land. It will become a serious issue because the creation of thick cloud smoke or dangerous substances which enter the atmosphere will contribute to others problems such as environmental degradation, disruption of human health, and a reduced environmental quality. This effectiveness of the existing of Transboundary Haze pollution Policy also can help in strengthening the cooperation of regional globally with ASEAN country which they can put an effort and focus to curb the issues of haze problem in Indonesia. This is because Indonesia is one of the countries that contribute largely affect haze pollution due to the open burning and without proper control. Forest and land fires made by Indonesian are one of the global environmental pollution activities that disrupt the survival and economic operations especially Malaysia and Singapore. This issue in Indonesia makes all ASEAN members opened their eyes and response because of the haze pollution that will give danger to them especially ASEAN's regional stability. Because of that, all the ASEAN nations have agreed to widely used and strengthen the national policies and plans to curb and control those activities by creating and emphasizing the Transboundary Haze Pollution. Apart from that, the aim of ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution is they also wanted to control and change the behavior of individuals in all ASEAN countries that had approved this agreement. The formation of ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution includes some stages. Based on record, the first meeting was held on 1990 in Kuala Lumpur and were attended by the Ministry of Environment of ASEAN member countries. This agreement can be regarded as a form of response from all the ASEAN member regarding the issue to control as well as to manage the issue of environment and sustainable development. This is a best action taken that had been made to give benefit for ASEAN people as we know that the haze can cause problem to the people such as health and economic issues.


Forest and land fires especially happened in Indonesia is one of the environmental pollutions that will cause problems in term of health and economic especially for the nearest ASEAN countries Indonesia like Malaysia and Singapore. To curb the cross-border haze pollution from forest fires which become one of serious problems and repeatedly happened every year, ASEAN has made an effective agreement between Indonesia, Malaysia and Indonesia as mutual cooperative in order to make some improvement of smoke and fire management systematically. Indonesia has agreed to collaborate together in order to overcome those problems by signing the Transboundary Haze Pollution Policy. The objective of this agreement is to strengthen the internal relation among the ASEAN members as well as to work on some policies that will become as guideline to monitor and prevent the haze pollution issue. This will be done through the information exchange, consultation, research and monitoring. To make this happened, all the ASEAN members agreed to sign this agreement and work together in tackling this haze pollution issue which can give the big impact towards health and economic issue to the other countries. Furthermore, this agreement is containing with the five measurements which are monitoring and assessment, making a prevention and preparedness, national and joint emergency response, procedures for deployment of people, materials, and equipment across borders and also technical cooperation and scientific research. The action plan will serve a systematic, intervention, and time-bound framework for collaborative efforts to control transboundary haze pollution in the ASEAN zone, which aim for reaching an objective of a Transboundary Haze-Free ASEAN by 2020. There are eight key strategies that has been highlighted to achieve the vision. Besides that, the effectiveness of this agreement also shown when the ASEAN able to create and adopted Zero Burning Policy. This regulation is carried out to give the guideline on how to clearing land to avoid the creation of cross boarder haze. ASEAN effectively has brought out the agencies that responsible regarding some issue such as environment ministers, NGO and forest entrepreneurs to discuss in order to implementing no burning policy. ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze pollution has created a lot of strategic components in order to achieve the objectives of the agreement effectively and as a guideline for the establishment. The Strategic Plan of Action on Environment (1999-2004) was developed by ASEAN countries to address haze pollution that crossed international borders. ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution that includes 32 Articles which consists of provisions, report of cooperation and actions in tackling cross-border forest fires and haze disasters. Based on article 3 in the agreement had underlined at least five principles should be as guidelines all ASEAN members who had ratified this agreement. This is important so that can achieve the vision which is Transboundary Haze-Free ASEAN by 2020. This matter which is haze pollution has become one of the concerns to the other ASEAN countries since 1985. As a reference for the air pollution and cross-border environmental impacts, there was an agreement was signed namely Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Starting from this agreement, it shows that how ASEAN taking serious with this haze pollution issue.


On top of that, the policy of this Transboundary Haze Pollution quite difficult to implement because the citizen did not have the awareness about this issue. Agreement on ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pollution which expected to change the behavior of the individuals also cannot be done. It gives the critical challenge to the government itself especially in Indonesia. It is because the farmers or the land developers practice the slash and burn techniques. At the same time, the large corporations have employed the farmers on behalf of them to clear the land to do the plantation. It becomes more complicated because of the mismanagement and corruption. (Chow, 2020) Then, the government did not implement the policy towards their country in the proper way. It is mean the government failed to handle the problem. In simple word, Indonesia has institutional incapacity among the bureaucrats and judiciary bodies. The bureaucrats and judiciary bodies does not have enough bureaucracy to strengthen the policy making. Meaning that, they did not play their role in combat forest burning. For example, 23 laws that have been legislated did not enforced properly. The companies that have been taken to the court were not all convicted due to the forest fires.

Furthermore, based on the article has stated that during June 2013 haze period, mostly burning land were within large agro-commercial plantation. However, small-scale local communities and farmers was blamed and claimed that they are strongly responsibility for these fires as they were residing near or within the large agro-commercial community. This shows that certain citizens of Indonesia did not seriously wants to prevent burning land but indeed put blame to others when there is burning land happen. Besides that, logistical problems and obsolete fire-fighting equipment has become one of the challenges to make ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution become successful. Moreover, fire is easily to spread and become bigger when burning land or fire happen because fire-fighting equipment that provided are obsolete and not sophisticated. Meaning that, the area of burned land are big which took a long time to remove fire by using obsolete fire-fighting equipment. On top of that, employees have lack of training and development make effort to enforce the law and policy become more challenging to achieve.


    In a conclusion, Transboundary Haze Pollution occurred because of the cross-border smoke pollution that happen in Asia. Mostly smoke pollution come from Indonesia and make the neighbors like Malaysia and Singapore get the cross-border smoke pollution. From that ASEAN members make a meeting to overcome it and make a solution by make an agreement which is ASEAN Agreement Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) on 10th June 2002 and forced into 25th 2003. (RAHAYU, 2020). Where this agreement had been regulated regarding a policy on zero burning policy. However, there is circumstances to achieve the goal of zero burning policy where the people in Asia especially in Indonesia still do not understand the concept of AATHP. We can see in in 2015, which was the worst year of haze to hit in Asia caused by forest fires in Indonesian Kalimantan while 12 years have passed since the first AATHP was implemented. (Nufael, 2018). Where this policy to achieve the goal of zero burning still has not been achieved and must make improvement.



ASEAN Cooperation on Environment . (n.d.). About ASEAN Cooperation on Transboundary Haze Pollution Control. Retrieved from

Chow, M. (2020, September 20 ). Southeast Asia’s Transboundary Haze: Obstacles to a Regional Solution. Retrieved from Global Risk Insights :

Nufael, A. (2018, August 17). Malaysia Alami Jerebu Akibat Pembakaran Terbuka di Kalimantan. Retrieved from

Tobing, D. H. (2017, September 8). Indonesia drags its feet on ASEAN haze treaty. Retrieved from




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