
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Week 13: ASEAN DECLARATION SOUTH CHINA SEA China and Southeast Asia were enraged by disputes over islands and reefs in the South China Sea throughout the 1990s, which exacerbated tensions between the two countries. Conflicting claims over islands in the Spratly region resulted in a naval conflict between Vietnam and China in 1988 that resulted in the deaths of more than 70 Vietnamese sailors. It was announced on July 22, 1992, by members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and disputants over the Spratly Islands, including China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei. Because of its abundance in oil, gas, and fisheries, every single disputant is adamant about asserting its claim to those islands. It is also a vital site from the standpoint of deference since it has the potential to become a command center over the South China Sea. In exchange for this declaration, the claimants agree to use peaceful ways to resolve their concerns about the islands


 WEEK 12 :  ASEAN REGIONAL FORUM (ARF) First, the word forum can be describing as the place, group or situation in which people can exchange the ideas. It also discusses the issues especially on the public issues. Then, Asean Regional Forum or AFR can be referring as the platform of discussion or dialog. It was established in 1994 which is at the inaugural meeting of the ARF that was held in Bangkok. Before that, the AFR was agreeing to establish during the Twenty-Sixth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and Post Ministerial Conference, which were held in Singapore on 23-25 July 1993. (Unit, 2004) The AFR is known as the important platform for security dialogue in the Indo-Pacific. The main purpose of AFR establishment is to accelerate the economic growth and enhance it through the social progress and cultural development. It provides the setting that the members can discuss the current security issues and develop cooperative measures. So, it can improve the security and peace in the region. O